Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A special person turned 18 today.Our relationship is somewhat uncategorized. Traditionally speaking, we should circle each other like suspicious vultures. We're linked by blogs, sms,theatre,one conversation that took place on January 12th,her present and my past...

She grabbed my mind when she defined love as 'economic independence coupled with compromise'. Then again when she spoke of 'The Silk Route'. When she said that maturity didn't mean control. I think of her as a frenzy. She draws stick-figures in the margins of her exercise books. She drew one of me.
I often felt insignificant around her. When all I knew of her were sharp edges and dazzling light. She's an arrogant realist who gets hyper because she knows her history syllabus and is taking it in calmly. And she feels she probably shouldn't be. She's easy with her body and her biggest addiction is learning.
She needs to touch people and to know she has.
I still wonder if I've touched her. Really touched her.
She's a link to another special person. Is that why I'm so protective of her? She says 'true' and 'that's true'a lot when we're on the phone.
Her constant demand for attention wearies me. I know I'd trust her with all my vulnerability and rawness.
She matters...
Happy Birthday Mrin.

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