Monday, January 16, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to present a post on vulnerability and expectation.

Today I was hurt very badly by someone I realized I care about. Someone I'd like to be tender and special to. I went through the motions of pretending it was ok, then admitted I was affected but that I would be ok, deciding to be cold and unresponsive and then deciding to give the person another chance. I admitted that the main reason I came to the concluding decision is because I have handled all such situations with passivity. I dislike confrontation. I prefer withdrawal.

The pain was hard and almost made me cry. But it passed. I make sure it always does. It has left a nasty aftertaste in my mind and I know I will be less open and adoring with this person. I've thought 'Why must this always happen to me?' and all that other conventional pain-jargon. But then that's passed too. I'll choose to give over to my moods and see what happens.

Thank you.

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