Saturday, March 01, 2008

Variations On the Word Love

This is a word we use to plug
holes with. It's the right size for those warm
blanks in speech, for those red heart-
shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing
like real hearts. Add lace
and you can sell
it. We insert it also in the one empty
space on the printed form
that comes with no instructions. There are whole
magazines with not much in them
but the word love, you can
rub it all over your body and you
can cook with it too. How do we know
it isn't what goes on at the cool
debaucheries of slugs under damp
pieces of cardboard? As for the weed-
seedlings nosing their tough snouts up
among the lettuces, they shout it.
Love! Love! sing the soldiers, raising
their glittering knives in salute.

Then there's the two
of us. This word
is far too short for us, it has only
four letters, too sparse
to fill those deep bare
vacuums between the stars
that press on us with their deafness.
It's not love we don't wish
to fall into, but that fear.
this word is not enough but it will
have to do. It's a single
vowel in this metallic
silence, a mouth that says
O again and again in wonder
and pain, a breath, a finger
grip on a cliffside. You can
hold on or let go.

-Margaret Atwood


Trina said...

stealing again, this is becoming a habit.sorry.

Liquifier said...

heh! You are always welcome.

Bone said...

you and i have almost similar tastes in poetry :)

btw, we just took out another edition of exnihilo. you were one of the first people to link the mag, so the self-advertisement **grin**. see?

Unknown said...
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Trina said...

Happy Birthday here too, in case you miss it on Facebook and Orkut!

Liquifier said...

grin. I didn't miss it. But extra wishes are lovely. So thank you again!

JD said...

Random comment from random visitor who couldn't resist posting owing to an extreme sense of relating to the blog - Is it a co-incidence that I see a post about the meaning of love on two blogs? (I speak of "Weed" by the way, me being the cousin of that grassy patch)

Is love so different from every other emotion that everyone writes about it? We have nine "rasaas" in theatre, how is it that it is just love that everyone talks about? Isn't love just another emotion we feel, just another consequence arising out of "the play of hormones", as someone recently put it to me?

Am I overdoing it when I say love's overrated?

Liquifier said...

JD: Hello and welcome. I'm not sure if love is different from every other emotion. I strongly believe, however, that all eight of the other rasas, eg: anger, wonder, compassion etc. essentially stem from love...its presence, its absence, its distance.

And why make love so lofty? Who is to say that hormonal desires are less than love? That crushes and adolescent affairs are 'just' that.

Is love overrated? I don't think so. Yes, 99% of all songs ever written have been about love. Of some sort. Every academic discipline has endeavoured to analyze and explain it. Today, it is a product..sold, marketed expertly.
But if love is ratable at all, I don't think we've ranked it high enough.

JD said...

Feels good to see in writing something that's been bothering me for a while now. Love, the love that they all talk about, is a love that comes late in a relationship, yes. But isn't the very reason why a person gets into a relationship at all, love? A child calls his mother his mother, cuz he loves her. A guy loves soccer, a girl loves the rain, a dog loves his favourite spot in the lawn outside the library.... Bottom line: Love isn't really as lofty as it is put to be, as you said.

Inspite of not being lofty, you say it ain't overrated? When I say overrated, I don't mean just 1% of the people who say they're in love, actually are in love. I mean that so many more people, who're actually in love, are just giving euphemisms, just for the fear of the word.

My take on it: Love is plainly another emotion that all of us feel, a LOT, and is just considered as the root of all others for the simple reason that a great extent of it is often forbidden by society. What d'ya think?

PS - Apologies for using the comment page as a chat thread, didn't know where else to look for you. For future discussions: