Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Call from Cochin

Dad: Are you studying or maroing adda?

Me: Neither.

Dad: Are you on the pot?

Me: Geez! I don't ask you what you're doing! How come you get to ask me??

Dad: Because you're the daughter.

Me: I'm also the only equal you have.

Dad: Hmph! You need to know how lucky you are. Yesterday, I was at your uncle's place for dinner. D(his daughter) asked him if she could go for a concert. He said she could go if eithet he or her mum went with her. She couldn't go with friends. And the girl's 18 years old.

Me: I know I'm lucky, Dad. I've cutsie parents!

Dad: I had visions of what would happen if I told you such a thing.

Me: Oh? And what vision was that?

Dad: You'd ignore me!


The dear man doesn't read my blog so he doesn't know how often my gratitude appears in writing :)

And I never forget it!

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