Saturday, March 25, 2006


The worst kind of tiredness is when I feel I have accomplished nothing in my day. Learnt nothing, had no good communication, no purposefully completed goal...

And yet my day wasn't really a downer. I dropped E off at Janaki's house early this morning and had a peek at this new book on the making of 'Water' told in the perspective of a mother-daughter relationship. Janaki and I both relate completely and in completely different ways to mother-daughter books. I listened to Bangla rock with Dad, slept off and on and hung out with Samar all evening. We kicked, pillow-fought, watched snippets of different movies, had a conversational threesome with Mrinalini and then he gave me a classical music lesson. role for the day was pretty much that of the Listener. Unopposing and dispassionate.


Unknown said...

I'm always tiered after sleeping for a long time, why is that?

Judas Penrose
Poetry Politics and Piracy

Liquifier said...

I know. Me too. I read somewhere that falling asleep again after waking uo robs you of 40% of your day's energy.